Yumi Tomori

Je vous laisse découvrir le travail de Yumi Tomori, une illustratrice japonaise, dont j'aime beaucoup les aquarelles à la fois douces et très colorées...

I let you discover Yumi Tomori's work, a japonese illustrator. I really like her sweet and colorful watercolor illustrations...

2 commentaires :

Anonyme a dit…

She is not Yumi Mori.
She is Yumi Tomori.

Ëlodie a dit…

Thank you, the thing is I was confused because on her myspace her name was Tomori and on her website, her name was Mori so I double checked and I had to chose one of those.
Finally I've just understood that the wrong name (Mori) appeared when I click on the "translate button" of google.
Well mistake corrected

- @elodie_illustrations instagram -